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2025 Seed Guide Call 740-505-6545 or email for pricing on seed and herbicides!


“If you continue to do the same things, you will get the same results.”

Sometimes seed businesses are like sheep -- just following what the leading competition does. At Seed Genetics Direct, we believe in bucking that trend and carving our own path. In that spirit, and after completing in-depth research and evaluations:


We decided to remove the insecticide from our soybean treatment and add inoculant on all treated soybean seed, as well as take advantage of chitosan (ground shell) technology to support better germination and nematode suppression. Universities such as Purdue, The Ohio State University, Michigan State, Penn State, and more have researched and stated that insecticide has little to no benefit on soybeans. Instead, insecticide produces resistance, harms beneficial insects, and flushes money down the drain. By eliminating the neonicotinoids from our soybean treatment, we create more sustainable farming techniques, benefit our ecosystem, and save you money.

Then we’re adding something you do need: inoculant. Inoculant is the most underrated add-on that enhances yield performance and keeps nitrogen in the soil for next year’s crop. Studies show inoculant benefits crop yield 70% of the time. We think you need it, so we’re including inoculant with all treated soybeans at no extra charge.

Then we’re also adding chitosan technology to help plants get out of the ground quicker, improve stands, and provide additional protection against pathogens, such as Pythium and Rhizoctonia. This EPA-approved enhancement can increase your yield by 3-5 bushels per acre. This addition also comes at no extra charge.

On top of all that, as usual, we provide 100% replant on all treated soybeans ordered by Nov. 10.

We’ve added a new brand, Innotech, to our already robust soybean lineup that includes Seed Genetics Direct and AGI brands. Having access to three premium brands, as well as the majority of trait and genetic suppliers, allows us to further strengthen and diversify our lineup. You’ll get more choices and the best available genetics on the market, as well as keep money in your wallet.

We continue to supply growers with a full and diverse line-up of the latest elite and field-tested corn hybrids. As you may know, we are members of AGI, which gives us additional access to genetics. Through them, this year we are releasing corn lines with PowerCore® Enlist®, a comprehensive trait package for above-ground pests and weed management. PowerCore® Enlist® corn features three modes of action against above-ground insect pests for broad-spectrum and long-lasting control. Tolerance to multiple herbicides – including glyphosate; glufosinate; 2,4-D choline; and FOPs – gives you flexibility in herbicide choice and management practices to help maximize yield. PowerCore® Enlist® corn is designed to help you control in-sects and the toughest weeds in your fields all season long.

We are very excited to continue to pave a new path with enhanced options for growers! As my dad says, “If you continue to do the same things, you will get the same results.” We think you will find that these changes benefit your farm and provide solutions to help achieve better agronomics, better yield, and a better bottom line.

With appreciation,

Thank you,

Chris Jeffries · President · 740-505-0073
Todd Jeffries · Vice President · 812-212-0200
Main office: 740-505-6545 • Jeffersonville, Ohio





